How to check if two String are Anagram in Java - Program Example

Write a Java program to check if two String are anagram of each other, is another good coding question asked at fresher level Java Interviews. This question is on similar level of finding middle element of LinkedList in one pass and swapping two numbers without using temp variable. By the way two String are called anagram, if they contains same characters but on different order e.g. army and mary, stop and pots etc. Anagrams are actually mix-up of characters in String. If you are familiar with String API, i.e. java.lang.String than you can easily solve this problem. In order to check if  Strings are anagram, you need to get there character array and see if they are equal or not. Though you can also use indexOf(), substring() and StringBuffer or StringBuilder  class to solve this question. In this Java program, we will see 3 ways to solve this interview questions, and check if two String are anagram or not. By the way, if you are preparing for Java interview, it's good to prepare some data structures and algorithms questionsas well. More often, there is one or more questions from programming, coding and logic in these interviews.
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1 Response to "How to check if two String are Anagram in Java - Program Example"

  1. Nice article well explained . there is good linkedlist examples collection
    visit Java Linked list examples
