Top 10 Puzzles, Riddles, Logical and Lateral Thinking questions asked in Programming Job Interviews

Puzzles, riddles, logical questions, and lateral thinking questions are integral part of any programming job interviews. I missed to include some puzzles, when I shared my list of top 30 programming interview questionsearlier, and couple of my friends requested to share some puzzles as well. These puzzles and lateral thinking questions are mostly collected from various Java programming interviews on Investment banks, but they are equally useful to any programming job interviews. I have seen more puzzles and logical questions at junior level i.e. 2 to 4 years. These kinds of puzzles, if asked at the beginning of interview, can make or break the interview. It’s not easy to solve them, especially when you see them first time, but what is surely not to do is give up without try, even if you can't think of answer, try to show rational approach. Remember it's OK, if you don't answer any puzzle question, but your approach towards unknown problem get noticed. At the same time lateral thinking questions offers several answers, and you can give your own explanation as well, but make sure it must look genuine and seems logical. Puzzles and riddles also forms a big chunk of Microsoft and Google Interview questions as well, and they are some really nasty and tough to answer. Anyway, I have not provided answers of these puzzles and logical questions, so that you can at least give it a try. Immediate answers kill the purpose of puzzles and riddles, and it's fun to solve them by yourself. By the way, you can easily find answers of these puzzles using Google, as they have asked numerous times on various programming interviews on software and technology companies.
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